
Responsible Response

Today we look at four different responses to Jesus and learn that Jesus demands more than just your ears to hear. Notice who is responding and how they respond. Ask yourself if you are truly listening to Jesus with your full attention.

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Ready, Set, Grow!

Jesus, like a farmer, shows that unless basic steps are taken, there will be no continuation of His mission or message. Today we observe as Jesus multiplies influence and teaches three key ingredients to growth.

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A Liberating Message

Paul addresses the issue of tolerance. He encourages Galatian believers NOT to tolerate changing the Good News. Convinced that Good News creates opportunities, Paul shares three observations demonstrating the liberating message of Jesus.

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Using Influence (Mark 9:42 – 50)

The misuse of power and influence is a theme that runs through Mark chapter nine. Here at the end of a long discussion, after many events, Jesus gives three simple truths that will revolutionize the way you think about using your power and influence on others. Listen as we discover these truths together.

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Fighting Confusion (Mark 9:30 – 41)

It only takes one small malfunction in the light receptors of your eye to seriously confuse your vision. In most cases, correction is possible, allowing you to accurately process what is happening around you. In this passage, Jesus corrects the confusion of His followers by sharing three vital truths. Listen as God’s Word is shared […]

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