Look at You! (Luke 6:36 – 49)

While instructing His followers, Jesus points out the dangers they will face from themselves. Through a series of pairs Jesus shows the danger of using yourself as the standard for living. Jesus wants to be your standard of evaluation. Answer the three questions Jesus asks this morning: where is your faith, your fruit, and your […]

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A New Perspective

Today’s text highlights something amazing that can only be understood with a changed perspective. The God of the Universe is unchanging. He gives each of us the new perspective we need. Jesus challenges your way of living.

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Ready, Set, Grow!

Jesus, like a farmer, shows that unless basic steps are taken, there will be no continuation of His mission or message. Today we observe as Jesus multiplies influence and teaches three key ingredients to growth.

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Making God a Priority

Luke shows Jesus as a real person by demonstrating how He handles the conflicts of life. When Jesus orients my priorities I can live with God as my top priority. Jesus shows this by how He handles observing the Sabbath.

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