Today you will learn a secret church code phrase. That phrase will form the basis for the main points of the sermon. Jesus engages in a dinner conversation in the home of a religious leader. Notice how followers of Jesus put others first.
In order to see what others cannot, you need a special set of lenses. We call these lenses “following Jesus” because following Jesus changes your view of everything. Luke’s Good News affects how you view the world around you.
Luke shows Jesus as a real person by demonstrating how He handles the conflicts of life. When Jesus orients my priorities I can live with God as my top priority. Jesus shows this by how He handles observing the Sabbath.
The first lesson Jesus taught was that God honors faith. God honors those that walk and talk faithfully.
Our text reveals two women, functioning as worship leaders, asking us to join them as they celebrate what God does. That is our goal today: to start singing with a reason to sing.
Timothy had a responsibility to use what God had given him; and so do you. It is your duty, your obligation to serve the Lord. In order to finish well, Timothy needed to remember his duty. There is joy in serving Jesus; and you will find three steps leading to that joy.
Friendship demands commitment. Notice three key areas of commitment in today’s passage and ask if you are this kind of friend to others.