Living the Lesson

Imagine yourself in an awkward social situation. Can you name the source of your anxiety? The cause is usually something unknown. A misunderstood word, an unfamiliar social context, or a missed conversational cue led to your discomfort. You could not make sense of the world around you at that moment.

Jesus makes sense of the world around you. He explains how to live in a chaotic world. First, He demands authenticity. Next, He expects you to appreciate true treasure. Jesus also requires your constant vigilance. Now, Jesus ends His lesson with a simple statement and three specific applications. Consequently, Jesus tells us exactly why He came to earth, and how you must respond to Him. Jesus expects prepared followers. Are you prepared to live the lesson Jesus taught?

Brown background with an orange floral design on the left side. Gothic text reads "Good News: Jesus is Real" and "Living the Lesson; Luke 12:49 - 59"