Living in a Chaotic World

Living in a chaotic world presents opportunity. First, we must demonstrate this world is not our home. Second, we prove our hope is not dependent on treaties, accords, or international agreements. We are, after all, strangers and pilgrims heading home.

Jesus also lived in a chaotic world. The Roman Empire brought peace at the point of a spear. Their spear often poked the territory of Judea. Jewish leaders poked those who spoke against the established “system” and Jesus did that consistently. His conversation with a Pharisee ended in hatred and violence. After stepping outside, Jesus meets a unwieldy crowd. Jesus tells His followers how to live in a chaotic world. His lesson is simple and memorable: Following Jesus demands authenticity. Jesus gives two guiding principles and three memorable motivations.

Brown background with an orange floral design on the left side. Gothic text reads "Good News: Jesus is Real" and "Living in a Chaotic World; Luke 12:1-12"