Daniel’s final vision concludes with comforting words. Daniel has been hearing about the future in store for his people, the nation of Israel. There was more in store than just a return to the land. Yes, there would be more trouble and days of testing. At the end, however, God will have the final word. […]
The message given to Daniel was one of exacting detail. God wanted to encourage Daniel that in spite of all that would occur, there was a plan to bring Israel and her people safely into the place where God’s presence and blessings would be personally felt and experienced. In the midst of struggle and trouble, […]
A promise is powerful. Those waiting for promises to be fulfilled will often remind the one who made the promise so that the fulfillment can come more quickly. Those keeping promises find satisfaction in providing what was meant to be had all along. In Daniel 9, we learn about how Daniel discovered God’s promises and […]
Have you ever thought about the game Hide and Seek in connection with The Apocalypse? The word “apocalypse” merely means to make hidden things known. Hide and Seek has the “come out, come out wherever you are” feature to make hidden things revealed. They DO go together! Looking at the hidden things of the future […]