The events of Palm Sunday show that, even 2,000 years later, you cannot be neutral toward Jesus. The message Jesus sends is clear: the King is here!
We hear the first recorded words from Jesus’ mouth and discover exactly what Jesus learned in His childhood. Jesus makes wise choices. Our passage highlights at least three choices Jesus made.
This morning we watch Joseph, Mary, and their baby go through normal rituals and movements. Look closely. There are hidden images waiting to be discovered. There is more to see when you look at Jesus because Jesus deserves to be seen.
What happens when life does not go as planned? What does life teach you in those moments? Notice the pattern of service set by a priest in today’s text. Keep serving God because help is on the horizon.
God graciously gives greatness in three specific areas. Notice them in David’s life and watch God work in your life, too!
David’s life reminds us that God makes the best plans for our future. Look at God’s plan and ask how that influences your plans!
Our series in Mark continues. Jesus continues to instruct His followers on the importance of watching how they view life, especially because of the events occurring around them. Listen as we draw truths for today from lessons in the past.
There are those who believe the Bible to be out of date, with no bearing or impact on modern life. The passage studied today is just as relevant today as it was when the events took place. Jesus was confronted by those who wanted to see His credentials, they wanted indisputable proof that He was […]
Jesus presents a demonstration of His authority in the city of Jerusalem. Others attempted to exert authority, but only Jesus has true authority. Listen as we continue our series in the gospel of Mark. NOTE: the video is of the entire live-streamed service.