Heroes are not defined by what they do, as much as by who they are. Hardship produces heroes. Paul reminds Timothy of the need for hardship in order to finish well. Paul issues four commands you must hear and obey.
Psalm 73 describes the wicked succeeding and the righteous suffering. Should it not be the other way round? Asaph makes it clear that you must watch God, not the wicked, as you journey through life. Everywhere you look, you can see God at work.
Civic pride surged in Philippi, but they had little church unity. Paul draws attention to three actions possible because of Jesus. Jesus helps me stand strong!
Missionary Jim Wright, serving with Baptist World Misisons, speaks today on the reasons for trials and difficulties in the Christian life. As we look at life from God’s perspective, we find that He is wise, loving, and merciful – even in difficult times. After the sermon, a field report video can be viewed.
It is vitally important to pay attention to your surroundings. What you think you see may not be what is actually occurring. In this passage, Jesus allows His disciples to have a “behind the scenes” view of His person, power, and plan. As Pastor shares, ask God to show you how He is at work […]
Jesus quotes this psalm while hanging on the cross. To what truths was He directing our attention? How can we be encouraged by looking at His suffering? The lesson Jesus wants us to learn is to trust God no matter what.
Paul encourages the Roman believers to live in the strength that God has given them in the person and power of His Holy Spirit. We are free of condemnation, free from obligation to our sinful nature, and free to call God our Abba Father. We are free to follow the Messiah Jesus and live as […]
This psalm highlights the hope that is found in God. This psalm needs to be more than just a melody on our lips, it must be the symphony of our soul. Life does hurt; suffering does occur; trials are difficult to bear – but THERE IS HOPE, and that hope is only found in God.
This week marks our church anniversary – 61 years since the first service was held by our church family. During that time we have seen God do many incredible and wonderful works. Included in those works are times of difficulty and suffering. Why would God allow those whom He loves to suffer? Our guest speaker, Jim […]
David the king looks back at what has been true, looks around at what is presently occurring, and then looks forward with confidence because of what he has seen to be true. We would do well to follow his example, so we will notice what he notices!
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