Desperate times call for a great God. The 69th psalm reminds us that God protects His servants in desperate times. Listen for three statements you can make when facing trouble.
One of the terms used frequently by Christians is “saved.” Unless a person understands their desperate situation, they will not accept their need for rescue. Today, as we come to terms with Christianity, we start to understand the need for rescue and realize our greatest need is God.
Paul finishes his letter to the church by reminding them of the ability they have to continue by looking forward with confidence, with hope. This hope gives them a strong future to anticipate. Paul’s message is clear: spiritual stamina rest in hope!
We ascend one of the greatest peaks along the Pathway of Hope. Paul has taken us from the depths where all are guilty before God to a place where we admit God is right and just to punish those who are guilty. God is willing to make those who are guilty righteous if they will […]