What happens when life does not go as planned? What does life teach you in those moments? Notice the pattern of service set by a priest in today’s text. Keep serving God because help is on the horizon.
We heard God’s promises to David last week and now we see those promises kept. We see God protects His servants.
“It’s always darkest before dawn” the proverb tells us. Israel’s national history unfolded that way. Instead of finding the light of God’s presence and blessing they experienced metaphoric darkness. Isaiah gave God’s promise of true light. This true light would come in the person of God’s Messiah.
Christmas is a time for celebrating the hope of possibilities. As the promised son to Zechariah and Elizabeth is born and named, a song filled with celebratory hope is sung. Listen as these two short sentences are examined and explained. Ask yourself if you can sing this hopeful theme yourself.
Jesus talks to busy people, but instead of giving them more and more assignments, He instructs them to rest. Rest is an attitude of relying on God to do what God has promised to do while energy is focused on what God has given you to do. It is not just stopping activity, but an […]
Missionary Mike McGowan shares from God’s Word today about how God’s plan, purpose, and promises include the sharing of the good news of His Son’s gift of eternal life. Listen as Mike shares his heart.