The Next Frontier (Romans 15:23 – 33)

Mankind has always had a fascination with “what else is out there” – and it was shown to us vividly this week with the SpaceX launch. In Paul’s day, the “outer regions” was a recent province named Spain. As Paul prepares to journey to this remote outpost, he shares with the Roman church how to […]

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Praise Him! (Romans 15:7 – 13)

The Pathway of Hope is traveled by many who are following the example of Messiah Jesus the best they know how. As they travel they meet with other pilgrims whose ideas and practices are very similar yet not perfectly alike. Some are more rigid in their adherence to rules and regulations; others enjoy more fully […]

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Helping Others (Romans 15:1 – 6)

The struggle between those strong in the faith and those weaker in the faith appears in areas the Bible doesn’t clearly address – forms of entertainment, use of free time, management of spare funds, practice of skills and abilities, food or beverages to be enjoyed / avoided. The list will always be present, and opinions […]

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People make resolutions all the time. Soon the excitement diminishes yet the task remains unfinished, and many give up. Wouldn’t it be great to make a resolved commitment and see it through? Paul shows how as his discussion with the Romans continues. He discusses matters threatening the unity of the church, and gives three resolutions […]

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What Matters? (Romans 14:1 – 12)

Churches have disagreed and divided over serious issues, as well as over issues that seemed serious but were trivial. What happens when we disagree? How do we determine what matters? Paul discusses this with the Roman church, and we get to listen in on the conversation!

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Manifested Light (2 Corinthians 4:7 – 12)

Our Missionary Conference begins today with our guest speaker, Mike Martin from Baptist World Missions. He shares with us from 2 Corintthians 4 how God delights in doing what seems impossible – providing power in pots and bringing life from death. This is all done so that the Light of Jesus is clearly seen by […]

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