We begin our mission conference today with special speaker, Dr. Jeff Newman. Dr. Newman, a missionary with Baptist Mid-Missions, discusses the balance between worship, doubt, and following Jesus. You can worship, doubt, and follow Jesus at the same time. Jesus tells you how to follow Him even when you doubt.
While we consider what’s next for our church, we look to God’s Word for direction. God’s expectations are the same today as they have always been. God expects active followers. As you notice three actions of active followers this morning, consider how well you are actively following Jesus Christ..
Missionary Andy Streit shares with us this morning. God not only expects His children to live carefully but “run their race” expectantly. It is important to look in the right direction.
The Great Commission links directly to God’s power and presence. We grieve the Holy Spirit by not taking Him seriously. Jim Wright not only gives three key items for prayer, he also gives five practical applications.
Many folks contribute to the success of any venture. In church ministry, there are many people at work “behind the scenes” helping those with a more public persona. In many circles, a person who ministers while earning a living from non-ministerial employment is called a “tent maker.” Today, Don Shade, shares about his experience and […]
Knowing a lot about someone is not the same as truly knowing them. James Fife, missionary to Togo, shares information with us that helps us better know this great God we know, love, and serve.
Many are familiar with the Great Commission, but just how does that play out in real life? Dr. Eric Chapman, veteran missionary, explains.
Some moments in life make you stop and exclaim “My goodness! How great God is!” In this paragraph, Paul pauses in his writing to the Roman church and does just that. He praises God for the work He has done and the work in which He has allowed Paul to be a part. Listen as […]
One of the most necessary items in the life of the one following Jesus the Messiah is a character of compassion. This is the person who can see people as God sees them, and love them as He loves them. James Yuen, missionary to Hong Kong, explains how this vital trait is developed in our […]
Our Missionary Conference begins today with our guest speaker, Mike Martin from Baptist World Missions. He shares with us from 2 Corintthians 4 how God delights in doing what seems impossible – providing power in pots and bringing life from death. This is all done so that the Light of Jesus is clearly seen by […]
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