Jesus spent time with the people others neglect and reject. Following Jesus is a great privilege. Today you will notice three great elements in Luke’s words. You will also discover the demands of following Jesus.
As Paul finishes his letter to Timothy, teaching him to finish well, he reminds him that he is not alone. As Paul remembers his friends, notice the slight but dramatic difference between the text’s main points.
God continues to prove He is the God Who Provides by meeting your need for ministry. Paul’s letter to the Philippians not only outlines the privilege and partnership of ministry; it also lists the provisions made by God.
Jesus satisfies so fully that those satisfied can help others. You have everything you need to be involved in others’ lives!
How do you view the unplanned events in life? What about those events and circumstances that are out of your control? Are they barriers to what you are trying to accomplish? Today, we look at the letter to the Philippians and learn that what we might see as roadblocks are being used by God to […]
Bob Bass shares his heart and vision with us today, taking James 1:21 – 27 as his text. He reminds us of our duty to care for those less fortunate than us, as well as those unable to care for themselves.
Paul is not only excited about what God has done and will do, he is ecstatic about what God is currently doing. As he prepares to travel to Jerusalem, he connects those in Rome with those with him in Corinth so that all will catch a glimpse of what God is accomplishing. More than just […]