All Means All

Mike Beyelia shares God’s Word with us today, showing there are several things the Law cannot do. When God says “all,” all means ALL.

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Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Ever wonder “What would make a person do THAT?”? This morning, Luke answers that question: what would make people accuse Jesus of being a ‘friend of sinners’? You will learn that forgiveness produces love by looking at three outrageous situations this morning.

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Look at You! (Luke 6:36 – 49)

While instructing His followers, Jesus points out the dangers they will face from themselves. Through a series of pairs Jesus shows the danger of using yourself as the standard for living. Jesus wants to be your standard of evaluation. Answer the three questions Jesus asks this morning: where is your faith, your fruit, and your […]

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A Public Message

The Good news of Jesus is not just a message to be internalized; it must also be a public message on display for others to see. Paul teaches followers of Jesus to grow in maturity because Good News produces generosity.

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Easter: Now What?

We celebrate the continued life of Jesus, asking the logical question “now what?” Jesus answers this question with three statements. Because Jesus lives, I live differently.

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Thankful Praise

We celebrate many occasions and accomplishments. God’s greatness deserves celebration. Today we discover three ways to celebrate God’s great character.

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