Among the most important decisions you will make are what you will do with Jesus. Some choose to ignore Him, others interpret Him by their own terms, while others choose to follow Him. Following Jesus is serious business, as we will see in today’s passage. Following Jesus demands loyalty, certainty, and priority. What have you […]
God created you for community. God’s kingdom is both a journey and a person. In all things, Jesus makes God’s kingdom glorious.
Serving Jesus is not complicated. Today you will learn how Jesus took ordinary people and turned them into an elite missionary force. Sharing your faith is not complicated.
How do you respond to being judged? Luke records a performance review as Jesus continues His ministry. You will examine three distinct reviews and realize God notices your behavior.
Today’s text highlights something amazing that can only be understood with a changed perspective. The God of the Universe is unchanging. He gives each of us the new perspective we need. Jesus challenges your way of living.
Jesus, like a farmer, shows that unless basic steps are taken, there will be no continuation of His mission or message. Today we observe as Jesus multiplies influence and teaches three key ingredients to growth.
Job applications provide a place to list your qualifications for a particular job opportunity. Luke’s account shows Jesus is uniquely qualified to deliver people from their sins as God promised. Notice Jesus’ two important qualifications this morning.
Two words communicate both joy and terror when they are heard: company’s coming. As John starts to spread this message of joy and terror, three commands stand out. Notice them today and prepare yourself for what is about to happen.
Paul’s independent message matched the message the Jerusalem church and its leaders gave. Good News is always Good News. Paul shares his verified message in three distinct settings.
Our hope rests on the surety of the truth: God is still with us! Notice three titles for Jesus found in John’s gospel this morning. Merry Christmas!