We begin our mission conference today with special speaker, Dr. Jeff Newman. Dr. Newman, a missionary with Baptist Mid-Missions, discusses the balance between worship, doubt, and following Jesus. You can worship, doubt, and follow Jesus at the same time. Jesus tells you how to follow Him even when you doubt.
Among the most important decisions you will make are what you will do with Jesus. Some choose to ignore Him, others interpret Him by their own terms, while others choose to follow Him. Following Jesus is serious business, as we will see in today’s passage. Following Jesus demands loyalty, certainty, and priority. What have you […]
God created you for community. God’s kingdom is both a journey and a person. In all things, Jesus makes God’s kingdom glorious.
Jesus, like a farmer, shows that unless basic steps are taken, there will be no continuation of His mission or message. Today we observe as Jesus multiplies influence and teaches three key ingredients to growth.
Paul’s independent message matched the message the Jerusalem church and its leaders gave. Good News is always Good News. Paul shares his verified message in three distinct settings.
Prayer is a powerful tool, known to many but used by few. Deacon Ramendra Krishna shares how prayer can make a difference in your life.
Almost everywhere you go, there is a “pecking order” established that determines who gets what, when, and for how long. Is Jesus’ kingdom like that? How does one advance in His economy? Jesus instructs His disciples about that topic, and Pastor Eldred shares the wrong and right ways to advance in Jesus’ kingdom.
It is vitally important to pay attention to your surroundings. What you think you see may not be what is actually occurring. In this passage, Jesus allows His disciples to have a “behind the scenes” view of His person, power, and plan. As Pastor shares, ask God to show you how He is at work […]
Bob Bass shares his heart and vision with us today, taking James 1:21 – 27 as his text. He reminds us of our duty to care for those less fortunate than us, as well as those unable to care for themselves.
The first time anything is attempted, it is not usually as good as anticipated. This morning we hear Jesus preach His first sermon – and find it BETTER than one might hope. It is a message of hope, good news, and a call to obedience.