A Public Message

The Good news of Jesus is not just a message to be internalized; it must also be a public message on display for others to see. Paul teaches followers of Jesus to grow in maturity because Good News produces generosity.

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The Servant Speaks (Mark 1:14 – 20)

The first time anything is attempted, it is not usually as good as anticipated. This morning we hear Jesus preach His first sermon – and find it BETTER than one might hope. It is a message of hope, good news, and a call to obedience.

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Good News Romans 1:1 – 7

Today, we start a new series in the book of Romans! Our series is titled “Romans: The Pathway of Hope” Paul addresses people he never met by discussing a great topic dear to his heart: the HOPE that God creates by His own work.To discuss this pathway of hope, Paul writes extensively on the matter […]

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In New York City, the watchword has become “If you see something, say something” to deal with threats to safety and personal well-being. In the Old Testament, a group of men with nothing to lose decide to take an incredibly daring opportunity – and realti that what they find is too good to keep to themselves. […]

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