Man promises peace and even tries to provide it. God gives peace unlike any other. Look at the Christmas narrative this morning. Watch God provide peace in a way no one else ever can.
The Good news of Jesus is not just a message to be internalized; it must also be a public message on display for others to see. Paul teaches followers of Jesus to grow in maturity because Good News produces generosity.
The Galatians were “off message” with the Gospel. Good News never changes, as we discover by looking at the characteristics of the message.
Jesus gives confidence in times of suffering. This confidence affects not only the way you think but also how you live.
You must share God’s Word with others! James Fife shows how to live this way.
The first time anything is attempted, it is not usually as good as anticipated. This morning we hear Jesus preach His first sermon – and find it BETTER than one might hope. It is a message of hope, good news, and a call to obedience.
Today, we start a new series in the book of Romans! Our series is titled “Romans: The Pathway of Hope” Paul addresses people he never met by discussing a great topic dear to his heart: the HOPE that God creates by His own work.To discuss this pathway of hope, Paul writes extensively on the matter […]
In New York City, the watchword has become “If you see something, say something” to deal with threats to safety and personal well-being. In the Old Testament, a group of men with nothing to lose decide to take an incredibly daring opportunity – and realti that what they find is too good to keep to themselves. […]