Watch Out (Luke 12:35 – 48)

Some sensible phrases are practically impossible. The phrase “watch your head” is a perfect example. I cannot observe my head without a mirror; and looking at the reflection ignores the impending danger. Yet we say it, anyway. Consider the phrase “watch out.” There is no other direction one can watch. Since eyes are always pointed […]

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Songs of the Season (Luke 1)

“So, what’s new?” Prepare for that question as carefully as you wrap on your packages! Mary not only answers that question, but Luke records most of the conversation. After Mary shares what God is doing, her family responds excitedly. First you will hear Elizabeth’s wonder and amazement. Secondly, Mary’s excited humility shouts with praise. Together, […]

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The Arrival of Joy

Kings usually father more than one son. Kings produce many heirs hoping one will survive and continue their family dynasty. What happens to those who through their birth order never become king? They also have families, who have families. Today we hear the message of King Hezekiah’s great great grandson. This descendant is a distant […]

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Hope Springs Eternal

Make promises to keep them, not break or renegotiate them. While you prepare your heart and mind for Advent, remember the arrival of hope for the future. Hope is located in God’s faithfulness. Listen to His prophets this morning. Not only will you hear of needed hope, you will also find promised and perpetual hope […]

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Seeing What Others Cannot

In order to see what others cannot, you need a special set of lenses. We call these lenses “following Jesus” because following Jesus changes your view of everything. Luke’s Good News affects how you view the world around you.

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Wise Words About Friendship

This morning, we look back at the beginning of all things. While you consider the Garden of Eden, what is coming to your mind? The trees and animals? The perfection of all things? The way God provides for Adam? The temptation and fall of man after temptation? Notice those elements today as we consider the […]

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When Hope Seems Lost

We await the day God will set all things right by the hand of His Messiah. What hope is left? Messiah is our only hope. Look at Isaiah’s prayer (Isaiah 64) and notice Messiah is our only hope when hope seems lost.

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