Look at You! (Luke 6:36 – 49)

While instructing His followers, Jesus points out the dangers they will face from themselves. Through a series of pairs Jesus shows the danger of using yourself as the standard for living. Jesus wants to be your standard of evaluation. Answer the three questions Jesus asks this morning: where is your faith, your fruit, and your […]

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Remember Your Foundation

Paul’s ministry is nearing its end. He encourages Timothy to continue in ministry and reminds him of all he has at his disposal. Timothy must also remember his foundation. Like any good foundation, strength starts at the base. Consider the three pillars that form the foundation of Timothy’s ministry.

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Today we are joined by a guest speaker, Brandon Carmichael – missionary to Brazil! Brandon and his family serve with Baptist Mid-Missions in South America, training national pastors and helping start churches. Today, Brandon shares with us from 2 Corinthians about how a church is built. [Note: the audio and video quality is not always […]

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Church Essentials (Acts 2:41 – 42)

From time to time, it is good to look back and be reminded of “the big picture” so that one remains focused on what is important. Today, we do just that! Guest speaker, Herb Taylor, from Baptist Church Planters, reminds us of the five foundational essentials to every successful ministry. Listen and be reminded!

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