Jesus spent time with the people others neglect and reject. Following Jesus is a great privilege. Today you will notice three great elements in Luke’s words. You will also discover the demands of following Jesus.
While we consider what’s next for our church, we look to God’s Word for direction. God’s expectations are the same today as they have always been. God expects active followers. As you notice three actions of active followers this morning, consider how well you are actively following Jesus Christ..
Serving Jesus is not complicated. Today you will learn how Jesus took ordinary people and turned them into an elite missionary force. Sharing your faith is not complicated.
Timothy had a responsibility to use what God had given him; and so do you. It is your duty, your obligation to serve the Lord. In order to finish well, Timothy needed to remember his duty. There is joy in serving Jesus; and you will find three steps leading to that joy.
Today we study the earliest missionary and discover obedience grows the church.
Throughout the course of history, those who follow Jesus have followed the Great Commission – telling the good news of what Jesus has done to those who have yet to hear and believe it. The question often comes, “How is that done? I don’t know what to do or say?” Today, we look at the […]