Life does not allow us to choose our struggles. You not only face challenges and struggles but must also do so without instructions, clues, or help. Jesus satisfies every aspect of life, and He additionally gives peace in times of challenge.
We begin a series in 1 Thessalonians. This first letter written by the apostle Paul encouraged a young church to build spiritual stamina, the ability to maintain effort while withstanding deterioration. A strong foundation is vital for establishing this stamina; and Paul shares the three key ingredients to this foundation: faith, love, and hope.
How should we relate to history: ignore it and be forced to relearn its lessons, OR look at it so intently that we forget to live in the present? There is a balance that can be maintained! When we face difficulty, we often question whether there is a plan in place. Maybe life is just […]
James’ prescription for times of difficulty, testing, and trials is seemingly simple: rejoice in the opportunity, realize God is at work, rely on perseverance to have its work of completing God’s plan, recognize that wisdom is not only needed but provided, and remember that you are God’s child with tremendous blessings no matter what else […]