Steady On (Psalm 102)

Times change, but people rarely do. When facing similar conflicts, stresses, and anxiety, balance is the needed remedy. We must hear God’s voice saying “Steady on; keep the course.” Today we remember God provides needed balance to life.

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People make resolutions all the time. Soon the excitement diminishes yet the task remains unfinished, and many give up. Wouldn’t it be great to make a resolved commitment and see it through? Paul shows how as his discussion with the Romans continues. He discusses matters threatening the unity of the church, and gives three resolutions […]

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What Matters? (Romans 14:1 – 12)

Churches have disagreed and divided over serious issues, as well as over issues that seemed serious but were trivial. What happens when we disagree? How do we determine what matters? Paul discusses this with the Roman church, and we get to listen in on the conversation!

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