Guest Speaker: Herb Taylor

Thank you for joining us this morning as we celebrate Who God is and what He is doing. Today we are blessed to hear from Herb Taylor, director of the National Conference on Hispanic Outreach (NCHO) as he shares from the book of Acts.  

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What Jesus Learned

We hear the first recorded words from Jesus’ mouth and discover exactly what Jesus learned in His childhood. Jesus makes wise choices. Our passage highlights at least three choices Jesus made.

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Hearing from God (2 Timothy 3:16 – 17)

Church terms and words can sometimes be confusing. We are taking a close look at what we believe and why! Today we talk about inspiration: what is it? why is it important? does it matter? The lesson we discover as we learn about the inspiration of the Bible is simple: God’s Word can be trusted!

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Power To Continue (Acts 12:16 – 24)

Every trip needs to carefully consider its fueling needs – both for passengers and vehicles! You can know where you are going and how to get there, but still need the power to move forward. God’s people have always needed to find the source of strength and power to follow and obey. Today’s passage from […]

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