We begin a series in 1 Thessalonians. This first letter written by the apostle Paul encouraged a young church to build spiritual stamina, the ability to maintain effort while withstanding deterioration. A strong foundation is vital for establishing this stamina; and Paul shares the three key ingredients to this foundation: faith, love, and hope.

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Tell-tale Hearts (Mark 14:1 – 11)

Jesus highlights the truths your actions reveal about your heart. The elements of life you hold most dearly will affect your actions. Two truths stand out in this discussion, and Pastor highlights them while challenging you to act in a manner pleasing to God.

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Watch! (part 2) Mark 13:14 – 37

Our series in Mark continues. Jesus continues to instruct His followers on the importance of watching how they view life, especially because of the events occurring around them. Listen as we draw truths for today from lessons in the past.

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Watch (part 1) Mark 13:1 – 13

Mark 13 records Jesus’ last formal public teaching. When questioned about what the future will hold, Jesus stresses the importance of watching how you look at life, and how you live your life. Pastor explains how these truths are still important today as we face uncertainty and questions about the future.

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Pay Attention (Mark 12:35 – 40)

Jesus asks a simple question to those who had been questioning him. With this one question, he highlights the obvious lessons they had been missing. Pastor explains why it is important to pay attention by drawing our minds to this passage.

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Allegiance (Mark 12:13 – 17)

Jesus is presented a question that seems to have no good answer – a question about loyalty and allegiance. Jesus responds with a familiar phrase “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s”. The implications of this statement – and the way that Jesus finished the statement – are meant to have lasting impact on […]

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There are those who believe the Bible to be out of date, with no bearing or impact on modern life. The passage studied today is just as relevant today as it was when the events took place. Jesus was confronted by those who wanted to see His credentials, they wanted indisputable proof that He was […]

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We Have Hope (Psalm 61)

As we begin our area-wide “shelter-in-place” directive, services look differently. Pastor shares thoughts from Psalm 61 about how hope guides us in times of trouble and turmoil. Listen to discover how we have hope.

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