The Unexpected Battle

David experience while facing a totally unexpected challenge teaches us a valuable lesson: godly people lead in times of crisis.

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Finding Relief

Where will you find acceptance and security? You will find relief in God’s Word. God keeps His Word. Today, discover three very important relief stations, reminding of God’s faithfulness to His Word.

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Living Without Shame

Shame motivates change in attitudes and actions. Many actions bring shame, but sharing God’s Good News must not. This news is not only powerful, it is also practical, and personal!

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Jesus Provides!

God continues to prove He is the God Who Provides by meeting your need for ministry. Paul’s letter to the Philippians not only outlines the privilege and partnership of ministry; it also lists the provisions made by God.

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We begin a series in 1 Thessalonians. This first letter written by the apostle Paul encouraged a young church to build spiritual stamina, the ability to maintain effort while withstanding deterioration. A strong foundation is vital for establishing this stamina; and Paul shares the three key ingredients to this foundation: faith, love, and hope.

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