Living in a chaotic world presents opportunity. First, we must demonstrate this world is not our home. Second, we prove our hope is not dependent on treaties, accords, or international agreements. We are, after all, strangers and pilgrims heading home. Jesus also lived in a chaotic world. The Roman Empire brought peace at the […]
True leadership measures itself against God’s character. Every good leader is a reflection of God’s character. Wise leaders pursue wisdom.
Isaiah 9 highlights God’s incredible love for His people. Advent reminds us that God shows magnificent love. Notice three actions prompted by God’s magnificent love.
Two words communicate both joy and terror when they are heard: company’s coming. As John starts to spread this message of joy and terror, three commands stand out. Notice them today and prepare yourself for what is about to happen.
Paul addresses the issue of tolerance. He encourages Galatian believers NOT to tolerate changing the Good News. Convinced that Good News creates opportunities, Paul shares three observations demonstrating the liberating message of Jesus.
Paul makes sure those wanting to adhere to the law for their standing with God really understand what they are saying and to what they are agreeing. The distinct message he gives is Good News makes a difference. Notice three actions where Good News makes a noticeable difference to your life today.
Paul shows how faith provides a rescue that is all-inclusive. Notice two elements included in the Good News as Paul demonstrates that Good News creates family.
Paul’s independent message matched the message the Jerusalem church and its leaders gave. Good News is always Good News. Paul shares his verified message in three distinct settings.
The Galatians were “off message” with the Gospel. Good News never changes, as we discover by looking at the characteristics of the message.
Paul’s message to the Galatians is one that needs to be heard today: Jesus is enough. Not only will you notice three actions Jesus performs, but you will be reminded of Jesus’ sufficiency.