Wise Words About Family

Most items that last take time to construct. Pumpkins grow in a month while cathedrals take centuries to erect. Is your home a pumpkin patch or a cathedral? Wisdom takes available resources and develops a wise strategy to meet a strategic challenge. A wise person not only takes a long view for building a family […]

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Go Fish! (Luke 5:1 – 11)

Jesus uses simple methods to communicate life-changing messages. The lesson to learn from a fishing trip 2,000 years ago is this: I can trust Jesus to lead me. Jesus proves His leadership through His teaching, His commands, and His call.

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Jesus continues to face questions about His authority. In this passage He is asked to summarize the entirety of Mosaic law into one command. Jesus distills all of God’s demands into one word: love. Listen as Pastor explains how, in order to please God, love is all you need.

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Settling the Score (Mark 12:1 – 12)

Jesus has demonstrated His authority but continue to face rejection from the religious leaders. He tells a story with a meaning (a parable) that gets the leaders’ attention. The point of the story is that refusing Jesus is a dangerous proposal. Listen as Pastor Eldred explains how God “settles the score.”

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Authority can be misunderstood, delegated, given, taken, even assumed. The amount of authority a person has – or is perceived to have – affects how others react to them. Jesus presents His authority to the people gathering in Jerusalem. While many people saw the presentation, very few understood its significance. Pastor Eldred shares lessons about […]

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Finding Your Place (Mark 10:35 – 45)

Almost everywhere you go, there is a “pecking order” established that determines who gets what, when, and for how long. Is Jesus’ kingdom like that? How does one advance in His economy? Jesus instructs His disciples about that topic, and Pastor Eldred shares the wrong and right ways to advance in Jesus’ kingdom.

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God’s Mercy (Romans 9:19 – 29)

In the first century, there were three major schools of thought concerning the circumstances of life. The Essenes believed fate determined everything; mankind was helpless and could not interfere with what was already determined to happen. The Sadducees, by contrast, believed man mastered his own destiny; we make our own future and chart our own […]

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