Man promises peace and even tries to provide it. God gives peace unlike any other. Look at the Christmas narrative this morning. Watch God provide peace in a way no one else ever can.
Christmas is not only a time of hope and peace, it is a season of joy. Joy is a spiritual trait springing from contentment. The Bible clearly shows that God’s presence produces joy. We discover three key areas where God’s presence produces joy.
Jesus is confronted by those who believe they have figured out the future. In all their analyses and calculations, they had overlooked two critical pieces of information – God’s power and promises. Listen as Pastor shares the lessons to be learned from planning for the future with God’s power and promises in view.
What is the best gift you have ever received? No doubt, there is a connection between the gift and the person who gave it that makes it such a treasured item. Today’s message looks at why Jesus is the best gift ever, and finds proof of this in the angel’s song found in Luke 2:14.