Guest Speaker: Herb Taylor

Thank you for joining us this morning as we celebrate Who God is and what He is doing. Today we are blessed to hear from Herb Taylor, director of the National Conference on Hispanic Outreach (NCHO) as he shares from the book of Acts.  

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The Model Tent Maker (Acts 19 – 20)

Many folks contribute to the success of any venture. In church ministry, there are many people at work “behind the scenes” helping those with a more public persona. In many circles, a person who ministers while earning a living from non-ministerial employment is called a “tent maker.” Today, Don Shade, shares about his experience and […]

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God’s Word is Not Bound! Acts 4:1 – 22

Throughout the course of history, those who follow Jesus have followed the Great Commission – telling the good news of what Jesus has done to those who have yet to hear and believe it. The question often comes, “How is that done? I don’t know what to do or say?” Today, we look at the […]

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