Rescue Me! (Mark 8:34 – 38)

One of the terms used frequently by Christians is “saved.” Unless a person understands their desperate situation, they will not accept their need for rescue. Today, as we come to terms with Christianity, we start to understand the need for rescue and realize our greatest need is God.

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Teach the Story (Raimie Bateman, guest speaker)

The Bible presents most of its information in narrative form, creating a storyline that reveals wonderful news about the God Who created all that is. Raimie Bateman, founder of Teach the Story, shares with us from Mark 5 how the story of Jesus is truly good news for all who will listen.

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Good News (Mark 16)

Pastor shares the good news discovered by many just three days after Jesus’ death: He came back to life. This is the event that changed everything, and continues to make a life-changing difference in the lives of those who follow Jesus. Discover how Jesus’ resurrection changes expectations, perception, and motivation.

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Rejecting Jesus (Mark 15:1 – 15)

Rejection is something dealt with every day. We reject one outfit in favor of another, one dinner entree instead of something else, even one vacation destination in favor of something more appealing. Jesus faced rejection from everyone, for a variety of reasons. Pastor shares with us today from Mark’s gospel how everyone may have a […]

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Costly Truth (Mark 14:53 – 72)

Facing the truth can be painful. Some refuse to acknowledge the truth and will attempt to distort the truth to fit their liking or narrative. This is nothing new! People have been trying to ignore or change the truth for as long as there have been people! Today’s passage highlights an important lesson: embracing the […]

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Guessing the secret identity of a masked hero is a fun diversion for many. Too often, the real clues go unnoticed and what should be obvious remains hidden. In today’s passage, crowds tried to identify Jesus as a teacher, a terrorist, or a threat; but they neglected to notice the obvious – that Jesus was […]

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Jesus Alone (Mark 14:26 – 42)

Society values loyalty and companionship. We treasure those relationships, especially when difficulty arises. Today, we find Jesus facing the darkest moments of His life – alone. Listen as Pastor shares two important lessons we can learn as we watch Jesus face difficulty alone.

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True Freedom (Mark 14:12 – 25)

Jesus offers true freedom to those who place their faith and trust in Him. This is not total independence, but a transfer of allegiance from self to a Savior. This freedom brings deliverance from the bondage to sin everyone is born into. The passage under consideration in Mark today shows three ways that Jesus makes […]

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Tell-tale Hearts (Mark 14:1 – 11)

Jesus highlights the truths your actions reveal about your heart. The elements of life you hold most dearly will affect your actions. Two truths stand out in this discussion, and Pastor highlights them while challenging you to act in a manner pleasing to God.

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