Missing the Point

People respond to high school reunions differently because people had different high school experiences. Some cannot wait to relive the old days, while others are happiest to let the past be the past. A very successful couple returned to their high school and heard what others had done with their lives. Afterwards, the husband remarked […]

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God is Paying Attention

The skill of a master craftsman is breathtaking. The disciples marveled at Jesus’ prayer life. Jesus’ prayers accomplished their goals. When the disciples asked to be taught, Jesus replied. God is paying attention to you. Therefore, God hears and answers your prayers.

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Key to Effective Service

Paying attention to details seems like an exercise for the overly-concerned. However, it is a necessary skill for the follower of Jesus. Effective servants pay attention to Jesus. Luke draws attention to effective service in this short account of two sisters.

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Seeing What Others Cannot

In order to see what others cannot, you need a special set of lenses. We call these lenses “following Jesus” because following Jesus changes your view of everything. Luke’s Good News affects how you view the world around you.

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I Have Decided (Luke 9:51-62)

Among the most important decisions you will make are what you will do with Jesus. Some choose to ignore Him, others interpret Him by their own terms, while others choose to follow Him. Following Jesus is serious business, as we will see in today’s passage. Following Jesus demands loyalty, certainty, and priority. What have you […]

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Jesus Loves Me (When I Fail)

Jesus’ ministry in Galilee draws to a close. His disciples still do not understand what He is doing. Jesus continues to teach and demonstrate how wonderful God’s kingdom is. Jesus demonstrates patient love, even when I fail.

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Full Satisfaction

People look for satisfaction in unique places. Luke tells his readers Jesus is the only source of satisfaction. Today, you will not only see two reasons to be fully satisfied, you will also find satisfaction in Jesus alone.

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