Since our church began meeting in 1955, Homecoming Sunday marks our “birthday”. This year we discuss the battles everyone is facing. In the struggles you face, victory awaits if you have three keys. Pastor not only shares these keys from 2 Corinthians 4, but also shows how to practice them.
Three road construction signs illustrate God’s growth process for the Christian life.
Today we are joined by a guest speaker, Brandon Carmichael – missionary to Brazil! Brandon and his family serve with Baptist Mid-Missions in South America, training national pastors and helping start churches. Today, Brandon shares with us from 2 Corinthians about how a church is built. [Note: the audio and video quality is not always […]
Missionary Jim Wright, serving with Baptist World Misisons, speaks today on the reasons for trials and difficulties in the Christian life. As we look at life from God’s perspective, we find that He is wise, loving, and merciful – even in difficult times. After the sermon, a field report video can be viewed.
Our Missionary Conference begins today with our guest speaker, Mike Martin from Baptist World Missions. He shares with us from 2 Corintthians 4 how God delights in doing what seems impossible – providing power in pots and bringing life from death. This is all done so that the Light of Jesus is clearly seen by […]