Paul finishes his letter to the church by reminding them of the ability they have to continue by looking forward with confidence, with hope. This hope gives them a strong future to anticipate. Paul’s message is clear: spiritual stamina rest in hope!
Our series in 1 Thessalonians continues. As good as happiness may be, stamina is built on preparation and patience. Spiritual stamina requires a strong life, one lived out lovingly. Today we discover this strong life has three major components: obedience, difference, and influence.
Our series in 1 Thessalonians continues. Life is often lived by taking the materials one is given and making the best of it. When difficulty or unexpected events arise, what happens to your life? Can you survive? These are the events that challenge our core beliefs. Should they change? Can they withstand trials? Paul reminds […]
Our series in 1 Thessalonians continues. This first letter written by the apostle Paul encouraged a young church to build spiritual stamina, the ability to maintain effort while withstanding deterioration. After establishing a strong foundation, a solid pattern of behavior must be developed. Pastor shows from God’s Word how the good news of the gospel […]
We begin a series in 1 Thessalonians. This first letter written by the apostle Paul encouraged a young church to build spiritual stamina, the ability to maintain effort while withstanding deterioration. A strong foundation is vital for establishing this stamina; and Paul shares the three key ingredients to this foundation: faith, love, and hope.
Pastor Bruce McLain, state representative of the California Association of Regular Baptist Churches, shares with us this morning the qualities that allow a church – or even an individual – to have a lasting positive impact on their surroundings. The church at Thessalonica was an example to everyone in their day and serves as our […]