Remember Your Training

Paul encourages Timothy to finish well by telling him to remember his training. Timothy had already learned to face difficult situations. One way Timothy would keep his eyes on Jesus would be to make Jesus his treasure. Notice two ways Timothy had been trained to do this.

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Costly Truth (Mark 14:53 – 72)

Facing the truth can be painful. Some refuse to acknowledge the truth and will attempt to distort the truth to fit their liking or narrative. This is nothing new! People have been trying to ignore or change the truth for as long as there have been people! Today’s passage highlights an important lesson: embracing the […]

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Settling the Score (Mark 12:1 – 12)

Jesus has demonstrated His authority but continue to face rejection from the religious leaders. He tells a story with a meaning (a parable) that gets the leaders’ attention. The point of the story is that refusing Jesus is a dangerous proposal. Listen as Pastor Eldred explains how God “settles the score.”

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Celebrate! Luke 22:14 – 23

As Jesus prepared to celebrate the Passover with His disciples, He transformed the familiar ritual into something that hardly any were expecting. Join the celebration as Pastor Charlie Eldred shares the full picture of Jesus’ Passover celebration.

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