When God Gives Up Romans 1:24 – 32

The Pathway of Hope does not seem like a hopeful path! The news we have been brought indicates that man is hopelessly guilty and deserving God’s punishment. Man has seen God’s truth revealed but rejected it; how will God respond? We are told no less than 3 times in today’s passage that God responds by […]

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A Harsh Reality Romans 1:18 – 23

Paul carefully begins to share the wonderful good news about what God has done to create the Pathway of Hope. He does this by sharing what sounds like bad news; but he is acting much like a doctor would – explaining the severity of the problem so that the cure is seen to be so […]

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Paul’s Position Romans 1:14 – 17

Paul writes to the Romans about the Pathway of Hope that leads from this earth to the beauty of God’s presence. The pathway is marked on all sides by the Good News of what God has done. Paul shows those in Rome just how drastically the Good News has affected him. It has made Paul […]

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Finding Hope in God Psalm 42

This psalm highlights the hope that is found in God. This psalm needs to be more than just a melody on our lips, it must be the symphony of our soul. Life does hurt; suffering does occur; trials are difficult to bear – but THERE IS HOPE, and that hope is only found in God.

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Patient Speech James 5:12 – 18

Because James is focusing on the importance of patience, he desires to show how vital it is in every area of life. Even the way we speak is affected. The words we use and the topics we discuss are to be laced with patience and perseverance. James gives his readers instruction on their speech, both […]

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Faithful Living James 5:7 – 11

We cannot focus on one single experience or on one solitary day to determine the success of our life. It takes time coupled with faithful and consistent efforts to prove the validity of the Christian life. James continues discussing the topic of patience by sharing 3 keys to successful Christian living.

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Payday is Coming James 5:1 – 6

James wants his readers to remember that God operates on a different time schedule than they, and it is different from the one you or I carry, too! For the people of James’ day – and for you and I today – patience is needed when we are mistreated and advantage is taken of us. […]

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Who Are You? James 4:11 – 12

When we are not properly submitted to God, we are tempted to use our tongues to jealously, selfishly, brutally treat others. James wants his audience to remember who they are as followers of Christ and respond accordingly. Let’s answer that question that James asks: Who are you?

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James continues to discuss practical matters with his audience. He turns to the matter of how they live out their relationship to God. In the discussion, he gives them 10 pointed commands that require immediate action. To use the driving analogy, he sets up 10 road signs along the way of life for believers to heed […]

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The Wrong Friends James 4:4 – 6

Every person who has ever lived – with the possible exception of Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel – have heard their parents admonish them about the choice of their friends. It is always an important issue. In the first century, James addresses the issue of friendship with his audience in the context of their submission. […]

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