Focused Joy Philippians 3:1 – 11

Paul has repeatedly set before the Philippian believers the pattern of joyful living: one that ignores the advantages of self to serve the interests of others. Not everyone encouraged these believers to live this way! There were those who insisted there were advantages to one particular practice, ritual, or set of rules. Paul warns those […]

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Peace in Action Philippians 2:19 – 30

Paul shows us how to put the peace that only God can give into action by sharing the real-life examples of Timothy and Epaphroditus. Those who follow Jesus as their example will find themselves living life in much the same ways as these two men – sharing both help and hope.

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The Prince of Peace Philippians 2:5 – 11

In order to highlight what he meant by placing others’ needs ahead of your own, Paul offers a supreme example: that of Jesus coming to earth in human form. When we fully grasp the extent of what He set aside, we gain a deeper appreciation for His love. Because of Jesus’ actions, He has become the center […]

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Finding Peace Philippians 2:1 – 4

There is no call for “peace on earth, goodwill toward men” that can be made, no legislation that can be enacted, and no control that can be maintained that will sufficiently reign in the desperately wicked designs of the human heart. The only answer to finding peace is the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Only the […]

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Good Citizenship Philippians 1:27 – 30

Today, we enjoy many privileges of citizenship in the country in which we live. However, our citizenship in Christ’s kingdom is a higher privilege and should supersede any right or privilege we have here on earth. Listen as Paul lays out the case for good citizenship.

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Followers of God distinguish themselves by their conduct in the face of difficulty, devastation, and loss. There is a price to be paid for associating with the cause of Jesus. Being a loyal follower of Jesus is not just messy, it is dangerous, hazardous, and potentially life-threatening. It is a matter of life and death! […]

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God in Control Philippians 1:12 – 18

As Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians from a prison cell, there were many who wondered what effect his imprisonment would have on his ministry. What happens to the life of a Christian when things “go wrong”? Paul tells his audience that his situation is perfectly fine because God is still in control. And, because […]

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Paul’s Prayer Philippians 1:8 – 11

Paul wants his readers in Philippi to have exactly what he has: happiness in life. In order to see this accomplished, he prays very simply for them to have an abundant love that is regulated (sorry, John, Paul, George, and Ringo – love is NOT all you need!). Paul then explains what this love will […]

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Who Can Be Happy? Philippians 1:1 – 7

In our childhood, we were told fascinating stories that began with the formula “Once upon a time …” and ended with the phrase “…lived happily ever after.” Eventually, we discovered life was different from those stories and concluded there must not be a “happily ever after” possible. This is a wrong conclusion! Living “happily ever […]

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