A New Song (Psalm 149)

We are fascinated by items that carry the label “new” and will sacrifice much to have the latest and greatest. Because of what God has done for us, we can sing a new song. Listen as Psalm 149 is unfolded and explained, then join in singing a new song of joy, justice, and praise!

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Church Essentials (Acts 2:41 – 42)

From time to time, it is good to look back and be reminded of “the big picture” so that one remains focused on what is important. Today, we do just that! Guest speaker, Herb Taylor, from Baptist Church Planters, reminds us of the five foundational essentials to every successful ministry. Listen and be reminded!

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Paul has fixed our compass to point toward God’s mercies on the Pathway of Hope. We are urged to make our living hope a living sacrifice by transforming our thinking and living by the Word of God. With our eyes and attitude pointed firmly in the demonstration of God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will, we […]

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Celebrate! (Romans 11:25 – 36)

Paul discusses the FAITH GOd gives to those who turn to Him for righteousness. While discussing the benefits of peace, hope, and love that are generated by God’s gift of righteousness, Paul remembers many of his own people have not experienced this gift. He then starts discussing the HOPE for those who do not reject […]

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