James addresses those that were living out their everyday life claiming to be submitted to God, yet not showing any sign of that submission in their daily walk. Even the way they looked forward to the future needed to be submitted to God. A properly submitted life will properly plan for the future in every […]

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Who Are You? James 4:11 – 12

When we are not properly submitted to God, we are tempted to use our tongues to jealously, selfishly, brutally treat others. James wants his audience to remember who they are as followers of Christ and respond accordingly. Let’s answer that question that James asks: Who are you?

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James continues to discuss practical matters with his audience. He turns to the matter of how they live out their relationship to God. In the discussion, he gives them 10 pointed commands that require immediate action. To use the driving analogy, he sets up 10 road signs along the way of life for believers to heed […]

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The Wrong Battle James 4:1 – 3

The Christian life is a battlefield, not a recreation room. For too many believers, the recreation room mentality is firmly embedded. When believers finally realize there is a battle to be fought, they often display confusion and instead of fighting the real enemies they turn on one another. James addresses this as he turns his […]

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