A New Perspective

Today’s text highlights something amazing that can only be understood with a changed perspective. The God of the Universe is unchanging. He gives each of us the new perspective we need. Jesus challenges your way of living.

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Easter: Now What?

We celebrate the continued life of Jesus, asking the logical question “now what?” Jesus answers this question with three statements. Because Jesus lives, I live differently.

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Good News (Mark 16)

Pastor shares the good news discovered by many just three days after Jesus’ death: He came back to life. This is the event that changed everything, and continues to make a life-changing difference in the lives of those who follow Jesus. Discover how Jesus’ resurrection changes expectations, perception, and motivation.

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Jesus is confronted by those who believe they have figured out the future. In all their analyses and calculations, they had overlooked two critical pieces of information – God’s power and promises. Listen as Pastor shares the lessons to be learned from planning for the future with God’s power and promises in view.

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