Setting the Stage (Mark 6:14 – 29)

Family histories are littered with days of turmoil, tragedy, and tears far more than they are with triumph. As people of faith we trust and hope they are producing a greater result than what is seen today. Today we see God using discouraging events to set the stage for something incredible.

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Going Forward (Mark 6:7 – 13)

The passage under discussion today tells us of the first “small step” for the soon-to-be-leaders of the early Christian church. What we learn will stand us in good stead for our lives as well. We must be as committed to the task as they were and knowing the steps forward will help us travel our […]

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God Gives Hope (Daniel 1)

God is at work, even when His people are disobedient and in exile. When the nation of Judah was taken away to Babylon, God was faithful to provide hope for His people. Today’s passage in Daniel highlights God’s great faithfulness as He provides control over the events that take place, as He develops relationships along […]

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Making Kings (2 Kings 23 – 25)

“If Plan A doesn’t work, keep going; there are 25 other letters in the alphabet!” When it came to the final days of the kingdom of Judah, that seemed to be their leadership policy. The kings and leaders were changed almost seemingly at random; yet God continues to demonstrate His faithfulness in the midst of […]

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Events of history do not occur in a vacuum. Too often we miss the connections between the Old and New Testament accounts; and then wonder why understanding the Biblical record seems so difficult. Today we trace God’s hand through the course of history in the nation of Judah, particularly among her last kings. We find […]

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