A New Perspective

Today’s text highlights something amazing that can only be understood with a changed perspective. The God of the Universe is unchanging. He gives each of us the new perspective we need. Jesus challenges your way of living.

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Easter: Now What?

We celebrate the continued life of Jesus, asking the logical question “now what?” Jesus answers this question with three statements. Because Jesus lives, I live differently.

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The celebration of Jesus’ resurrection causes one to think of the power and authority held to allow life to be restored. In such a context, the word “impossible” seems out of place; yet Scripture tells us of the impossibility of the events surrounding Jesus’ resurrection – “it was not possible that death should hold Him.” […]

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What Do You Expect? Mark 16:1 – 14

Life never seems to go the way we want it to or think it might. Often there are times of adjustment so that new information can be gathered, new plans formulated, new methods developed and tested, and a new normal reached. It is often during those times that we hear the phrase “what did you […]

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